It is for this reason that I feel I cannot write an acceptable book review. I am too neurotic. The best I can do is offer my opinion on whether I liked a book or not, because reading is such pure personal pleasure that it is impossible for me to be unemotional about it, or at least write with a modicum of objectivity.
But I will write some, in spite of.
I have started 2010 in the time-honoured tradition of making a new year's resolution I'm bound to break anyway. I accepted a challenge to read works by authors whose last names represent each letter of the alphabet. This is not a doomsday prophesy as much as it is an admission of stubborn pride. I am viscerally averse to being told what to do, and in this case, what to read, by virtue of the authors' last names. However, I must confess to something of a taste for challenge. And to help me keep track of my progress, I will try to blog about the books I've read. Loosely, for purposes of classification, to write book reviews.
Hopefully, I don't get sidetracked and rearrange the alphabet along the way.

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