It was a peculiar Saturday. It had been raining nonstop since the previous night with no signs of letting up. Although certain areas in Metro Manila are known to experience flooding under these circumstances, it was alarming that even places on higher ground were submerged in waist-deep water.
I worried for friends and family and was fearful, short of a mild heart attack, for my 14-year old son. He had left early this morning for a table tennis game at the Ateneo gym. Being a child after my own heart, he isn't much of a phone-user. It didn't occur to him that I might be worried sick, even after I had sent several distraught messages asking how he was and, later on, begging him to come home at once. He probably attributed my maternal hysteria to caffeine overdose.
I understand youth's fearlessness and sense of adventure, and I trust my son's strength and presence of mind in the face of a crisis--- but I'm still struggling with separation anxiety and a mother's inherent and often irrational fears over her children's well-being. The lessons are invaluable, but the test is utter torture.
My son is home now, safe and mildly annoyed because his shoes are soaked.

I almost miss that soaked-shoes feeling from rainy season :-).
In a couple of weeks, I will have a 14 year old, too. It's been a fun roller coaster ride, I agree. Where she wants more independence and I am trying to guide without smothering...
It's overwhelming, isn't it? If it were up to me, they'd stay with me until they're 40...
Ajie, I feel your pain. This business of letting your offspring -- your own flesh and blood that you bore in your womb for 9 months! -- go is torture. Unfortunately, dear sister, it will only get tougher from here. They say it gets better when they're in their 20s. I'll let you know if that happens. But very happy Poch made it home safe. Whew!
Peach: Yes, please. Give me some hope that it'll be easier in the near future. But i feel so lucky still because Poch, despite the turmoil of his age, still shares his thoughts and some secrets with me. I think being able to communicate with him makes it more bearable.
And thanks for dropping by my blog.:)
Glad your family's okay, and that your son made it home with just some soaked shoes. Hang in there... I heard rumors it gets better.
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